Organizing your tasks with different lists

One of the nifty things Accomplist does is let you organize your tasks into different lists. You don’t have to, but you can. You can also move tasks from one list to another, so you can revamp your system whenever the spirit moves you.

Your Lists

You can create your own lists according to however you want to organize your tasks. Some people use a location-based approach, with lists for Home, On the Go, the Office, On the Way Home, whatever. This lets you group together errands, for example. You could also have a list of things you can do during idle down-time, like replying to texts while in line at the supermarket.

Or you could use lists as buckets, which is what I do. Just like I have different folders for my scribbled notes, I have different lists for each freelance writing client, one for my productivity coaching, one for the Accomplist website, one for promo, and one for the actual app itself.

Another approach is to create a list for each project - so instead of having one list for all your fiction writing projects, each short story could have their own list.


You can put everything on the Inbox list if you want to. Or you could put everything in the Inbox and then move tasks to different lists when you have a moment.


Accomplist automatically generates your Today list based on a bunch of different factors.

  • Open tasks with a due date of today (including repeating tasks)

  • Open tasks with a due date in the past

  • Tasks with a status of Underway


This works like the Today list, but shows the entire week. In portrait mode, this is pretty unimpressive. When we launch a landscape view for tablets, you’ll be able to see your entire week’s tasks without scrolling, which is much cooler.


Completed tasks still stay on whatever list they belong to, but they also show up on the Completed list. If you’re not sure if you remembered to do a thing, you can look for it here.


Delegating a task doesn’t disappear it for all time. You may want (or desperately need) to follow up to make sure whatever it is actually gets done. Instead of creating a task like, “make sure Stu did the thing,” you can head straight to the Delegated list.

Any questions?

If you’re ever confused about how Accomplist works, or have suggestions on how to make it better, shoot me an email at to let me know.

Accomplist, productivity for imperfect humans is now available for iOS and Android .


10 Reasons to Try Accomplist


Motivation is a bit of a weirdo